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Old 07-12-2015, 08:03 PM   #12
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Re: Project "Butters" - 1967 C20

Originally Posted by ButtersTheTruck View Post
lol, we have decided to not do a bed liner We're going to get some removable mats and use them as-needed when we haul things.

Yesterday we took Butters to our first show! It was a very small gathering of about a dozen or so cars, which was great because the judge took the time out to talk to us about what judges look for, explain a common scoring system and point out a few things we could do to improve Butters without spending a fortune or compromising its ability as a working truck. He complimented her condition and told us we'd found quite a little gem in her, which made me really happy to hear.

Here's a pic of Butters looking festive with her balloon at the show

Shows can be fun... Be careful desiring to compete... It tends to make the whole car show experience frustrating... Consequently it leads to burn out... Trust me I speak from experience... I have had several cars over the years that I did the whole car show competition thing... In 1991 I found myself dreading going to the shows... I sold ALL of my "toys" and haven't been to more than a handful of shows since...

"Raymond" is kind of my way back to do the show circuits again for a limited time (no more than 2 years) then it will be a driver and "Haulin" will go away...

I tell you this just so you can always enjoy your truck...

I love your truck and would be proud to have it with "Raymond"... your truck with a trailer behind it with Raymond on it would be really kewl.... Just so you know Butternut Yellow was the second choice for Raymond... I even did two test fenders with the Lt Blue and one with Yellow... The deciding factor was the frame... I decided that a light blue frame would look better than the Butternut yellow...

Have a Groovy day...

Dan Johnston... Owner of My Dad's- '67 Chevy C-20 Custom Camper Short Fleetside Pickup PAPA J And our newest addition a- '71 Chevy CST/10 Short Fleetside Pickup Haulin' SOLD
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