Re: The Project Havoc....
Well. I am gonna ressurect a old thread here. As for news About things, they have changed immensly in my life. I went from managing the bodyshop to walking away. It was not for me. I started my own company now doing hot rods, metal work, restorations. I love it and I am slowly booking. My company name is Full Throttle Concepts and you can find me on facebook and instagram at the moment. I do have a plan for Havoc now, I had a rendering done of her and my ultimate goal would be to try and get her done in time for SEMA as a show piece for the company and possible be able to bring her there. I have a few things to finish first before I can start on her. and ultimately she will not be the same at all anymore. Directions have changed but not a whole lot, just a bit in the drivetrain area and suspension side of things. so here is a few pictures and we will go from there. I hope to start on her this fall. Until then I am gonna start collecting parts for her and sell everything I can to fund her.