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Old 07-15-2015, 12:12 AM   #70
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Re: HELP! I'm having second thoughts on current set up.

Got all the engine parts in and if fired right up(after it got fuel to the carb). Only ran it in the driveway because i dont have exhaust on yet(just headers). There are some difficulties with the headers(might just be for me). First the one closest to the firewall dumps right were the shift arms from the column to the tranny go. This might only be a problem for me because i am laying frame on full pb suspension. I solved this by ditching the 3ott and going to floor shift. Next the front header aims right at the z bar. Now it says in the instructions you will need a sharp bend to clear it, and i think it would. But i chose to modify the z bar by moving the bottom bar over 2 inches to allow a straight back dump to pass. Works like a charm. check out my build thread for some installed photos(some good ones of the headers).

That brings us to today. I went to bring it in the shop and jack it up. I noticed it was dripping coolant. Took awhile to find it, but my waterpump took a dump. Have to get a new one tomorrow and get it in. Then i will be able to actually take it for a ride.

Initial reactions are it definatly has more power. The edelbrock 1404 500 cfm carb fired right up and seemed to run smooth. cant wait to drive it. sounds good on just headers. I am running 2 1/4 duals and dumping behind the trailing arm crosmember. Running 2 22" cherry bombs.
My build thread!!
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