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Old 07-16-2015, 08:06 AM   #8
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Re: Engine gets hot at idle

Your fan is too far into the shroud. You might be better off to replace the fan you have with a fixed blade one that fits in the shroud correctly.
Timing was changed like that because of sight lines past the a/c pump brackets and p/s pump brackets. You couldn't see the timing tab. Easier to move it to 12 oclock. A brilliant design by a 4 foot tall engineer who had no trouble setting the timing cause he stood inside the engine bay beside the rad. LOL!!
You're shooting yourself in the foot when you check your rad with a h2o hose. You just add more crap between the fins which hinders air flow. TRy the paper test. Or pull the rad and have it hot tanked to clean the fins perfectly.
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