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Old 02-14-2004, 01:24 PM   #15
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Crossover steering is when they take a solid axle gm truck 4x4 steering setup and "cross" it over from the driver side steering knuckle to the passenger side..
You can see how it goes in the photo I posted up above..

Alot of offoraders and lifted truck drivers say it is like a night and day comparison going from aftermarket lifted stock side steering componants to the cossover steering...

It has been proven with larger taller tires it can take 90 % of bump steer away.Thats when you hit a bump or pothole or rut and your steering wheel wants to tear out of your hands...

It allows for more articulation offorad in mud holes or rock climbing or just medicore hill climbs without binding upi your steering..If you have been in a trail ride offroad and hit a rut your steering wheel pulls right out of your hands, not so much with crossover.
Take a lifted truck and put a wheel in a rut and try to turn out of it with your steering wheel being twisted ..
then take a lifted truck with crossover steering and try the same thing.. Alot easier to turn and less force on your steering componants..

You get a lot of bind with an aftermarket lifted steering setup.No matter what you do you cannot get the geometry correct with a big lift and parts are expensive to buy and wearout fast, and expensive to replace..
Crossover has less wear and tear overall makeing several good points to have it...

Hope this helps you out

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Last edited by drink2mny; 02-14-2004 at 01:36 PM.
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