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Old 07-17-2015, 01:49 AM   #1
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Shorting a Steering Column

I would like to know if any body has cut lets say about 3 or 4" out of a stock 72 auto trans steering column. Why might you ask would I want this done well like all of you know the D*m steering wheel is way too close and or my arms are too long and we all know the answer to that is BOTH are right. So lets here from some of you Engineering Genius's, I am pretty good with mechanical things so I am thinking the shorting area has to be done in the right place, I would think just under the shift lever housing and above the backup/ neutral safety switch would be the ideal spot right. what could go wrong? mjgord51

Last edited by mjgord51; 07-17-2015 at 01:54 AM.
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