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Old 07-18-2015, 11:30 AM   #9
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Re: Brake issues on 72 burb

Originally Posted by Reeds70 View Post
Thanks guys, I replaced the master cylinder and as I was bleeding the brakes, the front passengers side had a small flow and the pedal didn't go to the floor. So I went ahead and cracked the drivers side (after closing passenger) and on the second try and bunch of junk came out and then really good flow, went back to passengers side and got good flow. So is it possible that the trash in the lines caused the problems? Thanks again
I would bleed until I got good clear fluid coming out(be sure to keep topping off the master cylinder). With trash comes rust and issues rust can cause. Brake fluid attracts moisture. This just adds to the rust problem. Even though you replaced the mc the lines still have old fluid and I would bet more of that crud.
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