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Old 07-19-2015, 02:43 PM   #7
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Re: AC Compressor Question

I've not had seal leaking problems with the A6, but will admit that it's a problem many hobbyists chase for years. I wonder if the newer replacement seal design is any better? I don't know because, as I said, mine doesn't leak!

Many guys swear by the A6 for it's primary responsibility: Compressing! It's good at that. It's also a HP user and there are certainly newer designs that are lighter and produce less drag. I'm stuck on the O.E. look, personally.

Back to the OP's question: As already answered, I'd first interpret a "zero/zero" pressure reading as an empty system. I have a nitrogen bottle and do a test fill with the cheap nitrogen to check such things. Even a low pressure charge of N2 and will give you an indication of a pressure differential, indicating that the compressor is... compressing.
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