Thread: Papa's truck
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Old 07-20-2015, 03:29 AM   #19
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Re: Papa's truck

Sorry to hear about losing your dather in law.

Its kind of a crap shoot as far as coolant resevoirs go, since Bill was right that most didnt come with one originally. The originals and even repros are rare as hens teeth and expensive. I have a 72 that was an air force truck originally and it was on my spid as an option. Unfortunately it was long gone. I bougght an aftermarker aluminum one but havent mounted it yet. On my other truck i am going to try a spare tank off my 79 malibu.

As for the hood, i wonder if there is still the black primer underneath. I would try sanding it down to see. I have a 70 that was wrecked but i kept the hood to use as a "pattern". My truck is faded similar to yours and hardly any paint is left on the original hood. The replacement has grey primer, but i can see gold peeking out. I would be willing to bet there is still black primer underneath that.
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