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Old 07-23-2015, 12:47 PM   #10
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Re: How can I lower my truck and improve ride quality?

Originally Posted by chevy_mike View Post
As for lowering, I am a huge fan of 2" CPP modular drop spindles with a 1" drop spring. This give a 3" drop front but still allows enough travel to not bottom out. Change the bump stop to a 3/4" style. Rear would likely need a 5" drop to get level. A combo of either springs or springs/blocks will work but to get travel, you're likely going to need to notch the frame. You will definitely want to do a shock relocation kit, so the rear shocks are more upright and work correctly. If you keep them laid over after a drop, you effectively make the useless. You'll also need an adjustable panhard bar to recenter the axle after the drop.
So, why would you go with 2" drop spindles and 1" drop springs? What would the advantage be over using my old springs and 3" drop spindles? Would my ride inprove is I replaced my original springs w/ new? I am thinking that mine have likely settled some over the years? So an inch lower might be the same? Don't get me wrong... I will likely buy the new springs if there is an advantage.

Also, My front end is from an 81 C10, so I believe that I should need spindles for an 81. It looks like CPP are $230 but Ebay a few brands for $160 or so (Spindle Source, CTS, or others). Is there a reason to buy CPP specifically?

I'm running a newly built 350. It's nothing too wild with a 350 turbo w/ shift kit. My LS3 Camaro vert was a disappointing fat pig but the handling was nice. We traded it for a Corvette after 6 months. Of course I know my 350 is no LS3.

Last edited by jason999; 07-23-2015 at 12:57 PM.
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