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Old 02-15-2004, 04:32 AM   #15
I need another Barley Pop
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I'm not going to knock drink2mny or anybody elses crossover kit as I'm sure they are all fine and quality components. I on the other hand, didn't want to spend that kind of money so I did a little research on the subject and found out how to build my own. It's so easy, however, I know someone that can weld like there is no tomorrow.

I'm into my complete crossover steering setup for about $70. It's no complicated, it's not difficult, and in my case, it just takes knowing someone that can do an excellent job at welding cast iron for a very reasonable price. The only added parts you need to get are a 2wd steering box w/ pitman arm and an additional long tie-rod assembly (like the one you already have on your trucks). The rest is fabrication.

If you can line-up a good welder that won't charge you an arm and a leg, email or PM me and I'll give you all the details of what needs to be done. Once again, I'm not trying to bash on the kits that are out there (like Blackbirds or ORD's or whoever) I'm just saying that it can be done for alot less than a kit if you want to do the research and finding parts at a reasonable price.


PS, you can even PM frenchblue72 as he has seen my crossover setup and can vouch for what's all involved.
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