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Old 07-25-2015, 07:50 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Norfolk VA
Posts: 36
We need some help with some bodywork in the Hampton roads area

I posted here to see about some body men helping my father and I out on our 1972 Chevy c10 in the Hampton roads area. Im reposting something because unfortunately we don't have a lot of money to pay someone to do the work for us. We need some serious help with a bunch of body work and I can pay you in beer and pizza haha. If anybody would be willing to come by who lives in the area and could give us a hand (we have a weilder we're just clueless on how weild properly). I know I talked to a few of you guys a little while ago it's just the fact that we need some serious help with this stuff. If anybody could come by and help us we would be extremely grateful.
!972 Chevy C10 hotrod build
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