Originally posted by GreenMystChevy
drink2mny- so basically if I wanted to do crossover sterring on my '72 with '75 3/4 ton axles it would cost me $400 for the kit plus whatever else to buy a 2 wheel drive steering box?
Still a bit expensive but yet it would be nice to have.
By looking at our website yes. But I just run the website and don't make the prices..
Randy the owner wanted to be in the same ballpark as the bigger companies prices. He has said he might bring the price down depending on the situation of the buyer and then maybe make that the standard price on the site..
One difference with our site than most is the fact we already have a passeger side flat top steering knuckle drilled and tapped to match the steering arm and we will supply the matching drivers side if neccessary..
Thank you Pont for being kind. I will agree with hime people can make there own kits..There are several 4x4 sites and a few other messege boards that have this info on it for free.
We just know people don't have time or connections to get it handled up for them.
Hey Pont not to steal a design from you but I don't really understand were the welding comes into play..unless your not using a flat top knuckle..I can see where machining does for the bar and arm and knuckle but we don't have anything to be welded on the D44 and 60 kits..
Just curious