Originally Posted by DBear
Dumb question but....I really don't know what the value is on these trucks, but the guy wants $6000 for the thing. I wouldn't know if that's cheap or steep...lol. not sure if I should have asked that in this section but it seems like u 60-66 guys know ur stuff.
The interior is nice except the seat needs to be re-covered and has no carpet.
I would say to do a craigslist search in your area, to see what your local market is like for these trucks. If it really is almost rust free, $6000 doesn't sound that outlandish to me. You have to remember that everyone on here are enthusiasts and everyone likes to talk about the "great deal" they got. Everyone will tell you that $6,000 is too high, but they probably couldn't find a comparable truck in your area for much cheaper. To everyone saying $2000, yeah, you can find a 3/4 ton "kinda" running truck for that, but not a 63-66 1/2 ton short fleet in comparable shape.