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Old 07-28-2015, 11:07 PM   #3
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Re: the cheap build thread

Onto what happened next: Basically, a whole lot of stuff that didn't get documented. The cooling system was flushed many times to get gunk and such other nastys out of the radiator, but i ended up blowing it up so i just got an aftermarket one and mated it with a nice 6 blade fan to replace the garbage 4 blade on it. All fluids were changed, a triple gauge cluster was mounted, a radio was put in (solely to fill the awful hole the PO had cut in the dash), and exhaust was mounted. which was followed by the actual first step: Fixing floorboard holes. to stay cheap, patching was done as opposed to buying full new pans. Fun Fact: The metal i used to patch the boards came from a camaro truck pan.
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