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Old 07-29-2015, 12:31 AM   #3
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Location: Benton City, WA
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Thumbs up Re: Wiring diagram for 1973 C20 Crew Cab?


Mooch-o grassy ass, Sir! Just what the doctor ordered.

I am going to see if I can locate a second junction block like the 1988 had on the firewall for the BATT + distribution.

I will power the second from a relay energized by the '73 IGN RUN lead.

I have to use the Park/Neutral switch to run a DPDT relay to safety the IGN START lead and send a signal to the ECM for P/N status.

I also have to run a relay from the brake light circuit to kill the power to the downshift relay when the brake pedal is depressed.

The 73 has dual tanks, so I need to replace the tank selector solenoid with a 6 port one so the return line has a route back to the proper tank. Have to install a tap in the filler necks to connect the returns to.

The TH400 transmission we are installing is a heavy duty model, has the HD on the bell housing. I am hoping the yoke on her drive-line has the proper number splines.

I will have to remove the reluctor in the transmission for the speed sensor and install the appropriate speedometer gears & sleeve for the tire diameter so the speedometer will work, then get a VSS sensor to go between the gears & speedometer cable to send the VSS signal to the ECM.

I don't think she realized just how much work the project would be!

Last edited by dwmitchell61; 07-29-2015 at 12:33 AM. Reason: Added final comment.
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