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Old 08-02-2015, 06:05 PM   #5
Ole Greenie
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Re: 2002 LM7 Swap - No Start

Okay, I did a bit more checking...
1) I checked all the grounds...GTG
2) I checked the power lead to PCM and the accessory wire too. I found that the PCM requires a continual 12V for ACC wire through the cranking cycle. There is no where on the OEM fuse block that can supply 12V from ACC to Cranking and then back.

I managed to connect a switch to 12V. Essentially, I'll flip it on when I want to start the engine.

Is there a wire location and color, that is original to the truck that I can tap into that would provide this signal?

BTW, This thing runs awesome. New cam, DT headers, no know the deal.
John Paap
Ole Greenie
Hagerstown, MD
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