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Old 08-03-2015, 05:09 PM   #1
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Location: Knoxville, TN
Posts: 3
HEI conversion question

I have a 67 c10 350 3 on the tree and I just rebuilt the engine. while I had everything apart, I wanted to upgrade my points distributor to an HEI. I picked up one from Summit and began reading up on the HEI conversion. Everyone was saying (correctly, I might add) that the HEI distributor needed a full 12v to run correctly and the stock resistor wire wouldn't work because they only had about 7-9v on them. This made sense to me, but when I measured the voltage on the coil wire on my truck KOEO, I had 11.75v with the battery at 12.1 (a little low, I know). With the engine running and the alternator producing 13.5-14.5v, is the any reason to believe the voltage from my stock wire would be less than what an HEI needs to run correctly?
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