Originally Posted by slimneverdies
I'm also curious to this. I don't need them but wouldn't mind throwing them on to help with pollution and that horrible carburetor gasoline smell. But do they or don't they kill some of your performance??
If you have foul smelling exhaust, you'll overwork the cat and it'll melt down into a solid lump and plug up in one trip. A properly tuned well running engine is required if you need/want to use a cat. A modern converter has virtually no impact on performance, provided it has not been abused.
High Flow refers to the design of the catalyst. Modern converters are a honeycomb design often called "high flow". A large brick of very fine honeycomb like ceramic is impregnated with metals and minerals that act as a catalyst to speed the breakdown of gasses in the exhaust. Air flows through the honeycomb passages virtually unrestricted. Earlier designs were a large chamber full of ceramic beads impregnated with those elements and were quite restrictive. These are the wide flat converters with a plug in them where the beads were added. Often called "pancake" style.