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Old 08-04-2015, 06:45 PM   #25
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Re: Learned valuable lessons today!

Originally Posted by ptc View Post
Some advice....

Seems to me that you gotta start taking your own advice and let your son be the MAN for once in his life and let him do the things that he needs to do to survive in this world. One day you are going to be dead and he aint going to have daddy to do his deeds for him or have your advice. We all 'learn' from mistakes great and small.... (quiet or loud)....

So why dont you let him be a MAN and do his stuff himself. You raised an ADULT not a kid.... right?

Thats the problem with all of America right now, all the parents always wanting to jump in and get lawyers for their kids problems.... when a handshake deal used to be the way deals were made and real men made good on those handshakes! let them deal with their own lives!
First off, thanks for your advice. I do agree with it, especially the last part. Handshakes should be enough, and for 99% of the deals that I do, that's enough and it should be enough for reputable business transactions. My son isn't quite a MAN yet, he's only 15 and won't be a legal MAN until he turns 18. I am proud of him for earning his own money and setting up the deal with the stereo on his own. What I originally feared had happened was that he had been talked into some stuff that he really didn't need AND now, less than 2 weeks later, some of the equipment has stopped working and the business owner is refusing to deal with him. I'm trying to stay out of it, but he's not grown yet and I'm not going to let someone take advantage of him and cheat him.

Thanks Bustamante, I'll look into the fuses. My son said that he did not smell anything burning, but he did say that the woofer felt very hot to the touch. GTT
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