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Old 08-06-2015, 12:24 PM   #24
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Re: Truth on Cold Air Intakes

Originally Posted by Willie 66 View Post
Just put the stock intake back on, and I am enjoying the truck behaving as it used to. Would have liked to see the true gains/losses either way for posterity's sake.

Next time I'll get a custom tune. Or a cam. Or a big block. Or I'll just buy a Corvette. I dunno. Something with real results.
As the OP - I think this thread may have helped you out the most in your learning curve on "Truck Performance".... but if you really want performance then go with your idea above!!! a new C6 would be nice way to achieve both torque and HP and good mileage (in comparison to your truck!)

Originally Posted by ironroad9c1 View Post
Yea a clean aftermarket air filter oiled or not tends to let alot more particulates into the engine than a paper filter.
I would certainly beg to differ with this statement (and many others of yours) So you are saying that BECAUSE its "aftermarket, clean and oiled or not" its worse than a stock paper filter? Without googling it do you even know what a K&N filter media is made of since 1969? or any of the other brands of non-cellulose media filtration are? There are many much more durable, less restrictive and more performance friendly filters types than just paper... do your homework before making bold statements.

Originally Posted by 69gmcc10 View Post
Absolutely! The only way to increase air flow through a filter is to reduce restriction, so you must add more holes to the filter or increase the size of the holes that are there. Either way it is more ability for "stuff" to pass through the media.
Not necessarily..... Intake filtration system resistance to airflow is restriction. Restriction is typically measured in units called inches or millimeters of H2O vacuum, and is defined as the difference in static pressure between the atmosphere and the outlet side of the system being measured. The higher the restriction the harder an engine has to work to obtain clean air for combustion.

So if the total AREA of filtration was enlarged then you would have less restriction without just making 'bigger holes'.... you think these two trucks have the same size filters?

My Build: 57 Chevy Pro-Street
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