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Old 08-09-2015, 08:04 PM   #14
Rick Lee
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Knoxville, TN
Posts: 7
Re: Has anyone seen a 71 equipped like this?

Originally Posted by vics stuff View Post
Rock Lee ! As mentioned that you hope it is worth something when done. You should never put a price tag on something that you are doing for a hobby. You are not looking for a rate of return $$$$ except a way to relax and enjoy this hobby. That my friend can not really have a price tag.
If you were concerned with the cost then my suggestion is never start a project like you have. In the end when you are out driving , showing and get responses from on lookers you will forget about the amount of $$$ and hard work you spent on it and gloat on the attention .
You are right. Worth has many meanings and I left the impression that it was all about money. When someone takes a second look, or comments on how nice it looks, or what a great job you did building the truck, that is worth tons. I hope I can achieve that when the truck is done. There's a long personal story behind this truck that makes it even more special. Time will tell!!
Thanks for getting me straight!
Hope to have some pictures in teh near future.
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