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Old 08-10-2015, 05:37 PM   #7
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Posts: 21
Re: power steering woes

Not to be difficult, but it does appear to matter if it's a stud or bolt. Without the stud, the rear bracket does not line up correctly and puts uneven pressure on the reservoir. I've not torn the reservoir apart (since it's a reman and would void the warranty) but I am on my 3rd (or possibly 4th pump) now (Rebuilt Cardone) and have replaced all hoses and the steering gear - someone indicated it HAD to be caused by a blocked port making it spew out of the cap even though i couldn't see it. I did check to make sure the Oring seals at the back of the reservoir can were there...and not ripped or distorted.

I shouldn't be that difficult, right?
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