Thread: My 71 TR6 build
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Old 08-12-2015, 08:52 AM   #9
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Re: My 71 TR6 build

Hi Gang, sorry it's been so long since I've posted! I've been so busy with things, my project TR6 gets kind of put off~ y'all know what I'm talking about!

First off, the original frame was too rusted to mess with, so I found a rollling chassis in Louisiana which was in very good condition, so that's what I've been working on for the past few months along with other mini home projects.

I did wind up making a rotisserie out of engine stands, I had one already, so off to HF to buy a second one! Actually need another one for the engine!

I fabricated another back end of the engine stands to elevate it to level out the rotating part, and casters to be able to move the frame around in the garage.

I did make a makeshift sandblasting booth and blasted most of the frame, then coated it with Rust Bullet and coated the inside of the frame with Eastwoods internal frame coating.

Though a common problem, the differential mounts break, rust, and the PO on this one attempted a repair while the body was still on.

so, I bought a differential repair kit and went to work, and got to test my welding skills I'm pleased with the outcome.

so, that's where I am right now, I haven't even started on the body! I must admit, there's more to these little TR's than I would ever imagined, but I'm bound and determined to make it a nice car!
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1968 Jeep Cj5 (2-8-2020 to present)
1992 Jeep Yj (8-17-20 to present) (Jurassic build)
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