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Old 08-12-2015, 01:40 PM   #19
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Re: Building a Custom GMC Dash Bezel from the ground up :).

A kind member sent me a plastic one they had available, so I was able to get all the measurements I need off that. Next steps are to let the machine build one in foam and test fit. Then I can trim the foam manually where needed, re-mic it, update the design, and carve out another.

Once the dimensions are solid I'll add some more design details, rebuild in foam, and verify my toolpaths look good on the machine. Then I'll throw in a big hunk of plastic and carve it out as one piece. From there I can iterate on whether or not making it a two piece is beneficial, as some people have mentioned that the trim ring scrapes paint taking it in and out, so if the trim could stay in place while the backing separates that might be handy.

Two pieces might be better if I was going to make these for others, as then it would be easier to select backing material (wood, carbon fiber, aluminum, plastic). My fear is that the ring in plastic might be too frail to stand alone, but we'll see.
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