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Old 02-16-2004, 03:56 PM   #26
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Bremerton Wa
Posts: 124
spectra, do you just want the power break booster, or do you want the master cylinder also? how does 55 for just the booster, and 65 for both sound?

flipp66 i will check for rust today, now since i'm kinda new to this, does the right side mean the passengerside or the driver side?

68c10owner how does 200 plus shipping sound for the fenders, hood, and hood hinges?

69c10stepside, are you still interested in the outter grille? 10 bucks pluss shipping and it's yours, but read my previous post about it. not that great of shape.

stllookn, i will take a better look at the tailgate today, if i remember correctly it's not in to bad of shape except that one dent. how does 30 bucks sound?
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