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Old 08-15-2015, 08:48 AM   #7
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Re: 1962 C30 - electric issues?

You can't go wrong with adding grounds. These trucks were notoriously puny with grounds. If you look at the headlights, they have 14 gauge wire heading to the high beams only, 16 gauge for the low beams and 18 gauge for grounds. And the tail lights use sheet metal to ground the circuit.

I've always connected a negative battery cable to the engine and the frame, connect all your forward grounds to the battery cable on the frame, and run another 14 gauge wire to the rear for positive grounding back there. Also run another 14 gauge wire from the engine where the negative cable bolts up, to the drivers side of the steering column and ground all your dash stuff there. These changes eliminate any further ground problems.
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