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Old 08-18-2015, 12:19 PM   #29
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Re: Truth on Cold Air Intakes

Originally Posted by Willie 66 View Post

I'm sure they exist. I design liquid cooling systems for different types of equipment and when sizing straining elements, I can either choose a perforated sheet or a mesh style filter, amongst others of course. The perforated sheets tend to have larger individual holes than mesh filters do, but the mesh filters typically have a much higher open area percentage than the perforated sheets, even while straining out finer particulates! Look up Titan Flow Control - they have a cool "screen selection guide" that helps put it in perspective.

Not sure what technology these "high flow" auto filters use, but I'm sure it's something similar. Just because it's "high flow" doesn't mean larger particulates can get through.

Thanks for the link and the info, that guide seems pretty objective as it just compares filtration media and weave differences and not guiding you to a specific filter. Being a visual person the images and the filtration data being side by side helps. The index clearly shows that "some" of the mesh filters do have a tighter weave and have as much open air or more than their looser counterparts and are filtering finer media. Further more, glancing at the data there seems to be a correlation between diameter of the woven material and the weave density leading one to believe there is a "sweet spot" in that relationship.

Thanks again
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