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Old 08-20-2015, 07:38 AM   #17
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Re: Bad day for daughters 67

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
I wouldn't be in a hurry to settle with the Ins company. Problems could arise with your daughter a couple of weeks later... Glad she appears to be OK though.

Just a thought.

I'll second that. In 2007 my wife ran into the side of a young girl that pulled out in front of her and she had no place to go. Unquestionably the others fault. Our car wasn't really that bad (totaled but still drivable) and we settled with their insurance a few weeks later. Even now she is feeling the effects of the wreck, she has some minor back and neck pain to this day. I would wait as long as you can to settle to be sure she is OK. You just get so wrapped up in the car sometimes that you lose focus on the future, I know we did. We got the totaled car back and some money that sorta made that part OK, but my wife is still hurting 8 years later and that is hard to put a value on. Glad your daughter is OK.
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