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Old 08-22-2015, 11:34 AM   #15
lil hoodlum
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Re: At my wits end, motor getting hot. Input please

Originally Posted by Jason Banks View Post
I'm with Boog. It looks like your fan is entirely inside the shroud and it should be half in and half out.

Was this originally a 6 cylinder truck? If so does anyone know if the 6cyl engine mounting is further forward than the V8? That could explain why your further into the shroud.

I would flush the cooling system just to be safe and a water pump would be cheap to replace, just to know it's all good.

That's a good looking truck. I hope you get some good insurance money for the T-Bone....
Original V8 truck. Truck didn't have a shroud when I bought it so long ago and I ordered one from LMC so long ago. Truck originally came with Heavy Duty radiator. I believe I may or may not have the correct one. My shroud measures 5 inches across.

Didn't get any insurance money from the accident as the accident was my fault. I have paid out a little over $11,000 to settle the accident claims.
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