Originally Posted by Jason Banks
I'm with Boog. It looks like your fan is entirely inside the shroud and it should be half in and half out.
Was this originally a 6 cylinder truck? If so does anyone know if the 6cyl engine mounting is further forward than the V8? That could explain why your further into the shroud.
I would flush the cooling system just to be safe and a water pump would be cheap to replace, just to know it's all good.
That's a good looking truck. I hope you get some good insurance money for the T-Bone....
Original V8 truck. Truck didn't have a shroud when I bought it so long ago and I ordered one from LMC so long ago. Truck originally came with Heavy Duty radiator. I believe I may or may not have the correct one. My shroud measures 5 inches across.
Didn't get any insurance money from the accident as the accident was my fault.

I have paid out a little over $11,000 to settle the accident claims.