Originally Posted by toolboxchev
Currently with mine, I have also found the vacuum booster is bad. Causing the engine to run rough, but barely noticeable.
I am sure that is not helping the cooling issue. Normally I have 19 inches of vacuum.
The only way I could be positive was by spraying soapy water all over it while the engine was running and having a friend step on the brakes.
Great suggestion. Vacuum leaks
My truck is manual brakes, so no booster. With the motor running, I sprayed starting fluid all around the base of the carburator, vaccuum attatchments, and intake manifold gaskets. No noticeable change of RPMs indicating a leak.
I am not 100% certain to the pressure rating of the new radiator cap. It maybe higher than I think. I say this because a little bit of coolant "weeps" around the chrome water neck and recently oil is coming up past one of the intake manifold bolts. Noticed that on the night the truck got up to 210 degrees.