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Old 08-22-2015, 03:39 PM   #25
lil hoodlum
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Re: At my wits end, motor getting hot. Input please

Originally Posted by Sklptrljay View Post
Going back to the original post, you said you were too lean before. That will cause an engine to run hot. Also over time it can cause detonation, ruin bearings, and reduce internal oiling-specifically on cylinder walls.
I'm not sure if the motor was having a lean condition or not to be honest. I just suspected that after radiator and thermostat change didn't yeild any results. It may very well have been lean as the drivers side idle mixture screw wan't response to any change. As I cleaned the carb out a 2nd time I discovered that side was in fact blocked. The blockage has been cleared and I have turned out the idle mixture screws out generously trying to avoid a lean condition, if one was in fact existant.

I fully admit I am a shade tree mechanic at best!

I took some photos of the old radiator that I just pulled out. It was perhaps 5 or 6 years old and as you can see there is some build up of "crud" around the outlet side.

The inside of my motor probably doesn't look any better in the coolant passages. I have properly flushed the system 3 times or so over the last 18 years of this motor life. I bought some Prestone flush/cleaner. Will give that a try and leave it in for 2 or 3 days and drive as normal. Then drain, flush, and refill coolant system.

Question. Has anybody tried apple cider vinegar (5% acidity) to remove build up in coolant system passage ways?
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