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Old 08-22-2015, 10:40 PM   #7
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Re: help with trans/driveshaft

Here's picks of the engine /trans removal and axle flip. I'm going to pull the bed again and clean and paint the frame plus do a small notch. It has lowering shackles on it now which may make it to low. Going to do a 1 and 1/4 inch pancaked crossmember up front and cut coils. Going on the cheap on this truck. The flip kit only cost the 11 bucks for the axle saddles from tractor supply which fit perfectly and another 8 or so for grade 8 hardware but I still have to get new u bolts I just used some I had laying around from putting drop blocks on my old packard or my hudson. Can't remember. I made the bottom axle plate from some 1/4 inch flat bar I had I'm going to redo it with 3/8 at a later point with drilled instead of plasma cut holes but they fit great and are actually less sloppy than alot of factory ones I've come across I'm pretty crafty with the plasma tho.
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