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Old 02-17-2004, 07:46 AM   #1
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Anyone know what these are for? (switch and lights in dash bezel)

Does anyone have any idea what the toggle switch and red and green lights in the dash "might" be for? 1972 GMC 402BB with a 700R4 transmission. Looking at other dash bezels I'm pretty sure these aren't a stock item since they're nowhere to be found on replacement bezels.

When I crank the truck the red light comes on and stays on typically for quite a while, after a while the red light will go off and the green light will come on, pretty much only when I touch the gas (and I mean even lightly touch) and then again, a minute later I might touch the gas and neither light comes on.

I flipped the switch and nothing discernible happened, haven't flipped it going down the road for this unfounded fear that it'll "do something bad" (ahaha god what a chicken).
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