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Old 08-31-2015, 10:21 AM   #1
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Free 6 lug brake and heater parts!

I switched over to front disc brakes and have all the 6 lug front drum brake parts. I just installed new bearings, wheel cylinders and brake pads, plus turned the drums, about 300 miles or less before removing them.

I also have the complete heater assembly, including a new heater core and some new gaskets. Same as above- got new stuff and 6 mos later decided to pull this out and put in a vintage air unit.

I assume shipping will be expensive due to weight of brake parts and size of heater parts, so prefer local pickup in Sacramento or Auburn, Ca area. I could probably remove the brake pads and wheel cylinders and just ship that stuff, or just ship the new heater core and gaskets, if someone is willing to pay the shipping.

Anyone interested? I'm moving and trying to get rid of stuff, but hate the idea of throwing this stuff away!

All parts off my 1967 GMC 1/2t, no a/c.
1967 GMC 1500 SWB. Driving this truck since I was 14.
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