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Old 09-01-2015, 11:25 PM   #16
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Re: lq4 swap wont rev over 2500rpm help please

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
This really sounds like a mismatch of parts, or the tuner flashed in the wrong year OS for the parts you have. With the engine not running, you say the throttle goes to 99%, is that commanded, (what the pedal is saying) or actual (what the throttle body is doing)? Have you looked at the throttle body to make sure that its actually opening that much? I have seen throttlle bodies stick and go into limp mode. Does it open and close smoothly by hand?
All parts came from the same donor vehicle. this was out of someones wrecked truck and did not come from a junk yard so I donts think mismatched parts would have been possible. With the key forward, scanner says 99.6%tps and throttle blade looks to be fully opened.I have verified this at least 20 times with either my buddy or my wife watching it. When you say it opens smoothly I assume you mean aside from the fact that I can feel that I'm pushing against the motor inside of it right? Because other than that it is smooth. When I first start the engine, tps is at about it warms up it drops to 5 or 6% after a few minutes. Starts easily and idles well....just limits me to 20% and 2500 rpm. My last work vehicle was a chevy colorado....if you tryed to rev it in neutral or park it would respond slowly and only rev to 4000 rpm and hang there...this feels just like that but a lower rpm. it doesnt studder or just revs slowly to 2500 and holds it until i let off the gas.
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