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Old 02-17-2004, 11:44 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Washington State
Posts: 2
Lookin' for more info !

Hi just stumbled across this site as I was lookin' for more info on our 1971 GMC 3/4 ton 4X4. We are the 3rd original owner and since we have had it we have found some pretty interesting stuff which I am trying to research.

First it has a one ton Rockwell rear-end

it has one ton spring suspension

extra large hubs (caps have to be special ordered)

and a few extra's, but the story we have gotten so far is that only a limited number were made and sent to Alaska for work on the pipeline in the 70's. I am trying to find out the whole story and if there is any merit to what we know.
So my question is this, do you know of any research options that would be available to look up the history on our ole' girl. She is currently in "project mode" but here is a picture of it , thought you might like to look! I can tell ya she is a workhorse that has put many a man to shame,,it just doesn't know how to quit.

Thanks in Advance
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