Thread: 1970 swb c-10
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Old 09-02-2015, 11:08 AM   #202
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Re: 1970 swb c-10

Originally Posted by knomadd View Post
Man that looks good! I'm feeling like a slacker now that you've completely installed your brakes and I'm still messing with mine. How do they compare to the factory brakes?
Don't feel bad, I had a friend helping me, and it still took us a long time. We spent most of a Saturday, and well into Sunday morning to get it done.
As far as performance, I still need to find an open deserted road or parking lot to dial in the rear brakes with the prop valve. I have them dialed most of the way out until I can get them adjusted. Even with the rears not dialed all the way in, there is a noticeable improvement over what I had. I expect it to get even better with some adjustment. I will definitely report back.

One thing I am noticing from the miles I've put on it so far is the amount of brake dust from the Wilwood pads.
1970 SWB Build
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