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Old 09-02-2015, 09:19 PM   #10
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Re: fuel gauge update

I was at the Old Gas Tractor Show all Day Saturday. I live just a mile north of it. I can hear the p.a. sometimes along with some of the bigger tractors and the large motors in the large motor shed. Actually could smell them running Friday night.

I believe that a bad float and a shorted wire are going to both give you the same results at the gauge and with an ohm meter at the fuse block when checking the wire back to the tank. Both would show no ohms. So, if the resistor is okay at the gauge, then I think you'll have to pull the seat forward to get to the tank. If you end up having to do that, disconnect the wire from both the fuse block end and the tank end, then check resistance to ground. It should be open. If you don't get open, then you must have a short in that wire.
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