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Old 09-03-2015, 05:33 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Lakewood,New York
Posts: 502
belt line weatherstrip

I have a 53 Chevy pickup.
I am rebuilding the door and vent window seals and
adding all new glass.

I have the vent window assembly completed with all
new gaskets and felt channel from Steele Rubber.
Perfect fit for all of it so far.

At the belt line area, there is a channel on the outer edge of
the door skin for a rubber wiper type of gasket. I bought this gasket from
Steele Rubber and it also fits perfect. On the inside there was a felt type
rub strip that was stapled to the inner window molding and I have purchased that as well.

Here is the question.

Steele rubber,as well as other vendors also list a felt type wiper for the
outside of the door. It would appear to mount just above the rubber wiper
on the exterior stainless window trim, but there are no holes in my repop
stainless trim pieces where the staples would have been
(obviously, because they didn't pre-staple the felt on). My old exterior trim was rusted away and or missing.

Does anyone know if this 53 would have used both types of seal on the outside?

If so, would locktite black super weather adhesive by itself be enough to hold the felt strip onto the stainless exterior trim?

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