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Old 09-05-2015, 07:14 PM   #5
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Re: So, I think I destroyed my fuel pump

Originally Posted by RustyBucket View Post
What's the outboard tank made out of? I put a non vented cap on '69 Nova I had and the fuel pump sucked the factory steel gas tank flat... TWICE before I figured out what I'd done. I thought my Son backed over something & squashed the tank. If it didn't deform the boat tank it you had a bad pump anyway. Put a pump on it and stick the fuel line in through the cap hole. Run it awhile and then let it run the carb. dry if it not being driven anyway.
The pump was virtually brand new. Put it in at the beginning of summer and it worked like a champ. The outboard tank is made of whatever heavy duty plastic they use for gas tanks now.

The pump couldn't suck any gas out since the tank had no venting, so I'm betting it gave up the ghost when it couldn't get any gas out of the tank. Kinda like trying to suck a McDonald's milkshake through a straw. LOL

I'm still working on the truck sporadically. It took me SO much work to get it running I just want to make sure it stays that way so I've asked my Dad to go out and start it every once in a while. I just wanted to have gas hooked up to it full-time so all he has to do is go out and turn the key.

I'll likely just go with unscrewing the cap just a hair so that air can get in so the pump can suck the gas out. That should work until I can get around to pulling the old tank and putting a new one in.
'69 GMC C15
Inline 6, 230ci (possibly 250ci)
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