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Old 09-05-2015, 10:31 PM   #1
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Posts: 122
Engine not getting fuel

Hi all, in my past posts I've had many issues with the engine in my truck due to me being 15 and not having had much experience with troubleshooting motors. Most recently I took on the task of rebuilding my 350 which didn't go so well. The motor ended up throwing a rod and destroying the whole engine. Luckily I was able to find another 350 that supposedly ran well before sitting for 10 years. (I checked to make sure the internals of the motor looked decent)

Having gotten the motor into the truck I've had some issues getting the truck to start. I've been able to overcome many of those problems with just a little research and patience. The problem I am stuck on now is the fuel delivery. The fuel pump will pump fuel for a little bit and then stop pumping all together. I have tried putting on a different fuel pump to make sure the fuel pump wasn't the issue. I have also tried switching out the fuel pump push-rod to make sure that wasn't the issue either. This is where I am stuck. I know that there is a bolt hole on the front of the motor that goes into the same passage way as the push-rod and I made sure nothing was in there to keep the push-rod from moving freely. It appears to me that the push-rod is moving as it should which is why I don't know what the issue is.

Any and all help would be much appreciated because I don't know if pulling the cam out to see if the lobe is ground down is necessary or if there is some other potential issue that I'm unaware of. Thanks for the help in advance.
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