Thread: My 71 TR6 build
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Old 09-07-2015, 07:57 AM   #15
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Tub and a Gantry Crane

Well, I gave up on the original Tub~ it was just in too bad of shape and would cost too much to repair vs just buying another Tub. Gary and I drove to Kansas City and bought this Tub which still needs some repair, but nothing extensive like the old Tub.

In the meantime, I built a Gantry Crane as can be seen in a link below. It's the Biggest structure that I've ever made and turned out very well.
Sorry for the links to my site, but it's easier than posting pic to photobucket then to here.
I'll be back
'72 Ford Bronco project(July 17 2021-?)
59 Apache (sold 6-25-2021)
67 Ford Mustang (re-restored after Harvey)
1968 Jeep Cj5 (2-8-2020 to present)
1992 Jeep Yj (8-17-20 to present) (Jurassic build)
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