Re: Newbie 1965 SWB Fleet DD Project - ROUGH Start
Thanks for the info captainfab. I bought the cam and lifters at a local distribution shop. It's a corvette cam and the whole deal cost me $200. Not sure if it's no-name or not. I also purchased cam lube for installing the cam and lubricating the new timing kit, and 5 quarts of break in oil.
An update:
The cam replacement process is taking longer than expected, but that's okay. I worked on it the majority of the day for the past two days and am in a place where I'm ready to start the truck, but it keeps backfiring. Pretty sure I messed up the timing, so my mechanic friend will be coming over on Tuesday to helps get all of that fixed. I know the timing kit is installed right (got the dots on the sprockets lined up) I think I'm messing up where I'm stabbing the distributor, or maybe my valves are too loose.
So, when the old cam was pulled, the lobe for the "stuck" valve was completely gone. It was just a perfect circle. With the new cam in, you can see all of the valves moving when the engine is cranked. My cam sprocket was also cracked.
Remember...I bought a truck that was advertised as having a rebuilt 350...HA!
Pretty sure the cam, sprockets, lifters, etc were all stock. "GM" printed on a lot of the parts.
Once the truck is running again I plan to do a compression check and post the results here. Today is a day off from the truck for my son's birthday. Here he is helping me with a headlight the day we brought the truck home: (don't know why it's sideways...sorry)!
Last edited by Dweezle; 09-07-2015 at 10:06 AM.