Thread: tale of 2 tops
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Old 09-07-2015, 07:56 PM   #7
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Re: tale of 2 tops

The single wall has wooden ribs that I have seen others remove and replace with new wood or metal to get the sag out. As far as adding nuts I have seen them come up for sale on the classifieds but it's rare. They are not reproduced but could be made fairly easily. It's just a flat piece of steel held in place by thin sheet metal. Needless to say I've been looking for two years for a second single wall. Mine is in decent shape but I would like to have two just I case I buy another blazer. The last double wall I had broke multiple inserts trying to remove it. I had the drill holes in the top just to hold them with pliers to remove get them out.
72 Blazer CST 4wd highlander
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