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Old 02-18-2004, 06:36 PM   #4
Ben Dover
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Sandpoint, Idaho
Posts: 19
Zilverado and Russell~

Yep, I've got a tester, I keep it in the glovebox of my Ford LOL!

There are two plastic wire connectors on the pump. The one at 3 O'clock has a yellow and red lead, the one at 11 O'clock has a grey and black one.

with the ignition and wiper switch on, the yellow (3:00) lead is hot, and the black (11:00) is very dim.

With the ignition, wiper switch on and the washer button pushed, the black lead is cold and the yellow stays hot. Absolutely nuthin' from the pump.

I'm trying to figure out which lead should be hot when the button is pushed.

You were right in the Temp sending unit! It's down between the plugs. I need to get a plug to fit the thermo elbow and put the sending unit where it belongs.

Russell, I talked to the service manager at the local shop and he told me pretty much what I needed to know for now. I'll probably get back to you when I need the heater! I would have gotten back to you earlier, but I just figured out how to find my messages on the home page. I've got this board bookmarked, and never knew how to check messages until last weekend!

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