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Old 09-12-2015, 03:27 PM   #10
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: east norriton Pa
Posts: 128
Re: clutch linkage under the dash

So thanx for the help with the pictures. Turns out the bracket to mount the upper clutch rod is where its supposed to be after all. I just ordered the linkage connectors and the rod will be in any day. These trucks sure do get expensive. I just ordered a radiator, exhaust pipe, sun visors, sill plates, gmc parking light lenses, arm rests, and inner fender rubber.......oh and a battery. Those items cost $580. Guess I shouldn't complain ive read here where people pay that much for a radiator alone.
I tried to save some $ by painting the truck myself with metalic base coat clear coat. I used paint from a company called Unfortunately his color matching was not the greatest. I painted the truck two tone black and green. Half the job went great till I ran out of paint, I ordered more and sprayed the other half before I picked up that there was a shading difference. If you have ever painted metalic its very easy to be a shade off and not pick up on it in a home garage type setting. Paint for cars made up for the mistake somewhat by sending me 4 gallons of green and a couple gal of the clear. Only problem was the sweat equity in resanding the whole truck piece by piece and applying 6 consecutive coats of base-clear. Between primer and topcoats I have 7 gal of paint on this truck. Luckily I have refinishing skills or I would have thrown in the towel a couple months ago. Enough rambling. I just can't wait to complete the reconstuction of a truck ive never seen in one piece as a truck.
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