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Old 09-15-2015, 06:50 PM   #9
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Re: brake light on dash won't go off even after stomping

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
Things to check - am sure you've already done this though: Both rsv's of the mc full? Checked rear wheel cylinders for leaks? The sensor is tripped, that's a given. Only way I know to reset them, without the tools outlined in the shop manual, is to do all the above, then when you're certain the system is leak free, stomp on it. And it sounds like you've done that. Did you switch the front lines to 3/16" rather than the original 1/4"? (That SHOULDN'T matter, only affects pedal feel and work accomplished per amount of pedal travel, but I am curious). Did you buy a disk/drum prop valve or factory-like distrib block?
There is a way to reset them. Remove (carefully) the plastic brake light switch with either a socket or a box wrench. Underneath it is the piston that allows presure to both front and rear brake lines. With an awl or long pick, move the piston to the position shown in the cutaway. That will "reset" the piston then, before applying any pedal pressure, be sure both reservoirs on the master are full.
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