the easiest way ive found to check if youre alt is charging or not , doesnt matter hei or points , with youre truck running look for the little metal circle on the back of the alt about the size of a quarter , ,,, with the truck running touch youre pocket knife or a screw driver to that circle , if it is magnetic then youre alt is charging .. also the easiest way i have found to find a short ,,,, or atleast its easy for me ,, easier with 2 people...disconnect the hot battery cable , then clip a test light on the hot post and touch the light to the disconnected cable , if it lights up brightly then you have a deffinate short somewhere , now if youre radio has a memory or something like that it will light very very dimmly almost hard to see , ok now if it does light up brightly hae someone stand by the battery and hold the testlight on the cable, then you need to start pulling fuses one at a time and then putting them back until the light goes out , once you pull a fuse that makes the light go out you have found youre short , i had a similiar problem with my truck , i did the test light trick and it was an aftermarket domelight that was contiuously pulling a large amount , it would drain the battery in a day and a half , hope this info is helpful to someone