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Old 09-19-2015, 07:07 PM   #1
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Drivers rear locking up

Ok, I have a weird problem going on. Before I order an adjustable proportioning valve and throw this valve, I would like for yall to look it all over and see what you think. I did the disc conversion last summer and I don't remember it doing this. Right now the drivers side rear brake seems like the only one working. It is very grabby, but it does release when you let off. I've bled everything probably 6 times and I am getting good fluid out of the front. I adjusted the brake way in and it did better. But it would still lock up first, but it would let the fronts at least start to work. But after driving it a few times, it's back to using only that one. Thw adjuster had moved back out. Whats going on? Any pointers? Here are a few pics.

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